Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Craft Calendar

The beginning of a New Year is a time for planning. Having just finished the Christmas season, and not had enough time to hand-craft as many gifts as I had wanted, I came up with the idea of a Craft Calendar.

It can be as simple as just writing things down on your wall calendar, or programming them into your blackberry. But the idea is to plan out the things you want to hand craft, so you leave yourself enough time.

So think of all the people to whom you would like to give a handcrafted gift, and when their birthdays are, and what you would like to make them. Think about Christmas, and what homemade gifts you would like to give, and even what wrapping and decor you might like to create.

Now you can schedule it out. The thing is that by the time someone's birthday normally makes it on to your radar, you probably don't have enough time to knit them that nifty scarf, or make the photobook and have it shipped, or whatever. And Christmas is so busy. It really helps a lot if you can stretch out making Christmas gifts all year long.

So think about what you'd like to make for whom, and by when, and write it down on a calendar!

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